Refund Policy
Lucidity Health LLC will refund any patient not 100% satisfied with our service.
The consumer can cancel services at any time.
Refunds are processed manually and made to the account that was used for the original purchase.
After enrollment, if the consumer does not want to proceed with treatment after the consultation or does not qualify a 100% refund will be given within three business days of notification.
Lucidity Health LLC may not be able to offer refunds if you receive products or medication from a pharmacy and decide not to utilize it. The pharmacy may not accept returns of items. If this occurs, Lucidity Health LLC will not refund the price of products or medications.
If products are damaged during shipment, the patient must notify Lucidity Health LLC in writing with digitally uploaded photographic documentation within 24 hours.
When you purchase from Lucidity Health LLC, you acknowledge and agree that Lucidity Health LLC (or a third-party payment processor) is authorized to charge you for the price of your chosen purchase and any other charges set forth during the purchase process.
You agree that any purchase will be charged for the given period. Lucidity Health LLC shall be in no way liable for any damages caused by the termination of such services. Lucidity Health LLC reserves the right to terminate services at any time for any account in delinquency.
You agree to pay all fees associated with the collection of the delinquent account under this agreement or otherwise in enforcing the terms of this agreement. Any such litigation shall be performed in the state of Oregon. Lucidity Health LLC cannot be held liable for any interruptions of the provided services. Lucidity Health LLC reserves the right to terminate services at any time.