Tesamorelin Therapy

Lean Muscle Growth & Fat Destruction

Free Medical Consults. No contracts.
2 to 3 month cycle recommended.
Shipping Included.

$279 /mo

$269 /mo for 2-3 month cycle

Peptide: Tesamorelin and Human Growth Hormone (HGH)

Peptides are one way the body communicates internally. Peptides are molecules that, like mini postal workers, relay information from one part of the body to another. This communication is essential to the critical function of the body, namely in cellular repair and anti-inflammation.

Scientifically speaking, amino acids are molecules (groups of atoms) that are called peptides when put together in a chain. Peptides are composed of a chain made up of less than 50 amino acids. If you have a group of more than 50 amino acids, it is generally called a protein. According to the National Library of Medicine, Tesamorelin does so exceptionally well. Tesamorelin is a peptide that contributes to lean muscle growth, elimination of belly (known as visceral) fat, and helps the body heal exceptionally fast following training.

Amino Acids build Peptides (such as Tesamorelin) = Release of Growth Hormone

The Magic of Tesamorelin

building stronger, leaner muscle mass graphic, the major benefit of peptide treatment such as Ipamorelin
graphic showing leaner muscle when on peptide therapy such as Ipamorelin and CJC 1295
Graphic showing image of reduced body fat with peptide treatment
Graphic highlighting the faster recovery times that can occur with peptide therapies

Tesamorelin: A Game Changer

Tesamorelin is a growth hormone-releasing peptide (GHRP). It promotes a steady, natural release of growth hormone from the pituitary gland, mimicking the body’s natural rhythm. With exogenous Tesamorelin (which means you take it into the body from the outside), you get a more profound release of growth hormone, which promotes muscle growth, makes you lean, and contributes to you looking and feeling younger.

Tesamorelin was originally synthesized to control lipodystrophy (where fat builds up disproportionately in certain areas of the body) and to eliminate abdominal fat. It also has benefits on cognition, mood, and metabolic health by improving insulin sensitivity and lipid profiles. Tesamorelin also blocks somatostatin (which breaks down growth hormones). If somatostatin is blocked, growth hormone thrives and keeps the body in a more sustained state of anti-inflammation, healing, and repair.

With the FDA now making it difficult to obtain Ipamorelin, does Tesamorelin offer the same benefits as Ipamorelin?

When it comes to Tesamorelin vs. Ipamorelin, Tesamorelin is also an HGH peptide that has some of the same growth hormone benefits of Ipamorelin, but with the added bonus of ridding the body of visceral abdominal fat. When body composition, lean muscle growth, and healing are your main goals, then this HGH peptide is the top contender with one of the safest, proven track record.

Tesamorelin FAQs

  • Tesamorelin is a synthetic peptide that stimulates the release of growth hormone, which helps the body build muscle. Tesamorelin in particular helps eliminate belly fat and fat around the organs (visceral fat). It was designed for lipodystrophy which is when fat builds up abnormally in places around the body.

  • It mimics the action of growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH), prompting the pituitary gland to release growth hormone, which helps reduce visceral (abodminal) fat and improve metabolic health while building muscle.

  • Benefits include reduction of abdominal fat, cognitive and mood enhancements, and overall metabolic improvements, all with the promotion of lean muscle growth.

  • Common side effects include injection site reactions and headaches. Rare but serious side effects can include hypersensitivity reactions and fluid retention

  • We do not require labs. If there are any issues or you would like to repeat a cycle or prolong a cycle, we may want to run labs to ensure no negative response.

  • Tesamorelin is injected subcutaneously into the abdominal fat. It has the viscosity of water and is well tolerated.

  • You can Contact Us, Schedule Virtual Visit, or Enroll.

    After you enroll, you’ll have an online medical appointment with your provider. Then, you’ll receive your first therapy pack in the mail.

    There are no contracts. Your personal information is protected.